Table of Contents
WebView Properties

The properties of the WebView class are listed below. For a complete list of WebView class members, see the WebView Members topic.

Name Description
AcceptLanguage Gets or sets the Accept-Langauge header entry.
AllowDropLoad Gets or sets a value indicating whether the WebView should allow user to load a file by dragging and dropping the file on the WebView.
CanEvalScript Returns a value indicating whether EvalScript can be called at this moment.
CanGoBack Gets a value indicating whether the WebView can go back to the previous page.
CanGoForward Gets a value indicating whether the WebView can go to the next page.
CanRaiseEvents (inherited from Component) 
Container (inherited from Component) 
DesignMode (inherited from Component) 
Downloads Gets a list of download that have started or completed.
Engine Gets or sets the Engine associated to this WebView.
Events (inherited from Component) 
Favicon Gets the favicon of the current page.
Handle Gets the window handle of the WebView.
HasFocus Returns a value indicating whether this WebView has focus.
InputMsgFilter Gets or sets an IInputMsgFilter that can be used to filter input messages from the WebView.
IsCreated Returns a value indicating whether the WebView has already been created and has not been destroyed yet.
IsFullscreenMode Gets a value indicating whether the WebView is in full screen mode.
IsLoading Gets a value indicating whether the WebView is in the process of loading a page.
IsNewWindow Returns whether this WebView is created due to a NewWindow event.
IsReady Gets a value indicating whether the WebView is ready.
JSInitCode Gets or sets the JavaScript code to be run immediately after the window has been created.
LastJSException Get the last JavaScript exception.
ObjectForScripting Exposes a .NET object to JavaScript for this WebView.
Shortcuts Gets or sets the shortcut list for this WebView.
Site (inherited from Component) 
StatusMessage Gets the status message.
ThreadRunner Gets the ThreadRunner object associated to this WebView.
Title Gets or sets the page title.
UnloadDelay Specifies the amount of the time the WebView should wait before it destroys after it has been taken off the screen.
Url Gets or sets the current Url.
WindowName Returns the name of the window.
ZoomFactor Gets or sets the zoom factor for this WebView. A value of "1" is 100%.
See Also