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Joined: 4/22/2024 Posts: 7
Hello im making a vb.net app with EO web browser
I need take control of downloading file (webbrowser will navigate only in our own website asp.net)
Now i inserted webbrowser and im able to navigate but i need help ( i have not found example) how to use WebView.BeforeDownload Event to intercept file before downloading.
I implemented EO webbrowser succesfully and im able to navigate in website i decide
Now my problem is i need some example code to manage downloading file contro ( before download) in vb.net
Here my simple code:
Imports System.Net Imports System.ComponentModel Imports EO
Public Event BeforeDownload As EO.WebBrowser.BeforeDownloadHandler
Public Class Form1 Private m_WebView As New EO.WebBrowser.WebView
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Initialize the WebView using the PictureBox's window handle m_WebView.Create(PictureBox1.Handle)
'Load page m_WebView.Url = "www.website.xxx/customer.aspx" End Sub End Class
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Hi, I am not exactly sure if I understand your question. When the browser requests a Url from the server, the result will be either "dispalyed" or "downloaded". When the resource is "downloaded", the browser engine will display a "Save As" dialog for you save the file instead of displaying it. By default, a file that can be displayed by the browser will be automatically displayed instead of downloaded. For example, if you open a HTML file, it will be displayed. You can force the browser engine to download. On the other hand, a file that can not be displayed by the browser will be automatically downloaded. For example, if you open a zip file, the browser will use the "download" flow and display a "Save As" dialog for you to save the zip file. EO.WebBrowser provides two features related to download: 1. ShouldForceDownload event for you to force download for a resource that otherwise would have been displayed: https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.webbrowser.webview.shouldforcedownload.html2. Download progress events for you to monitor/display download progress: https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/webbrowser/customize/download.htmlDownload progress event (such as BeforeDownload) will NOT fire for a file that is not handled as a downoad. For example, if you open a HTML file, the browser will just display it instead of "downloading" it. In this case none of the download progress event will fire. Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you still have any questions. Thanks!
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Joined: 4/22/2024 Posts: 7
Take point im building an executable called "my_exe" on vb.net with inside webbrowser EO control
what i have to do :
-from webbrowser i will download a file from my own website -we must not have download savedialog window of browser -in silent mode i want save file downoaded file on array on the "my_exe" executable, that is hosting webbrowser. -decript file with internal algo of my_exe -then purpose classic windows savedialog with decripted file
For other info im here
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Does the file download correctly when you open it with Google Chrome browser?
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Yes download starts correctly
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Hi, You need to explicitly hook up your event handler with the following code:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Initialize the WebView using the PictureBox's window handle
'Add Event Handler
AddHandler m_WebView.BeforeDownload, New BeforeDownloadHandler(AddressOf WebView_BeforeDownload)
End Sub
Private Sub WebView_BeforeDownload(sender As Object, e As BeforeDownloadEventArgs)
...before download handler...
End Sub
You can find more sample code inside TabbedBrowser_VB sample in MainWindow.xaml.vb. Thanks!
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 4/22/2024 Posts: 7
Hello i had to add delcaration before your code
Imports System.Net Imports System.ComponentModel Imports EO Imports EO.WebBrowser
So it worked and msg box display correctly
Now can you help me finding way how to download file in byte array of my executable instead of showing prompt save file as?
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,261
You need to:
1. Handle BeforeDownload event and set e.ShowDialog to false in your handler. This will tell the browser engine NOT to show the Save As dialog and proceed to save the download into a temp file; 2. Handle DownloadCompleted event and then use e.Item.FullPath to get the full path of the temp file.
Now the temp file contains the fully downloaded file and then you can do whatever you want to do with it. For example, you can move the file to a different location, or read it to a byte array, etc. This part would no longer has anything to do with our product.