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EOWP.EXE windows log off show waiting proces Options
Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2024 9:25:39 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 4/25/2024
Posts: 1
For example, (an microsoft office plugin which uses eowp.exe) Microsoft outlook is still running and you choose to log off the session , an dialog will popup to End the proces eowp.exe 2 times. (before windows can log off normally).

I noticed that when i open Outlook then the plugin loads and also the eowp.exe process will be running.

When i close outlook the eowp.exe processes will be closed. When I close the session (user log off) the session will closed nicely without an dialog eowp.exe proces to be killed (because the proces eowp.exe is already gone).

The same will happen also in the application Word where the same plugin is used.

Tested for Server 2019 and 2022.

Posted: Friday, April 26, 2024 10:08:18 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,261

Have you tried to destroy the WebView in your plug-in's Shutdown event? eowp.exe will try to delay the logoff if the WebView that depends on it is still active. This allows your code to interact with the WebView when it handles session ending event (for example, it may want to query some info from the WebView and then save some "state" information in a temp file). However if you explicitly destroy the WebView, then eowp.exe will not attempt to block the logoff.


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