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Problems reading XML file in callback Options
Posted: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:04:32 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 51

I'm trying to read an xml file using AJAX in the ClientSideBeforeExecute of a callback panel.

The following is the Javascript function called by the ClientSideBeforeExecute for my callbackpanel.

The request does not read the file nor does is raise any errors.

Am I accessing the HTTP Request object correctly within the callback?

function ClientSideBeforeExecuteHdlr(callbackPanel)

return ProcessCancelLinkRequest();

function ProcessUpdateLinkRequest()
//Get Filename
return CanEditDeal(FileName);

function CanEditDeal(file)
var xmlObj = null;

//Identify browser and get related HTTP Request object
xmlObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject)
xmlObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
alert("ERROR: Cannot identify browser. Please contact System Adminstrator");
return false;

//Capture completed state of HTTP Request to read Deal Lock xml file
xmlObj.onreadystatechange = function()
alert("DEBUG: Ready State = " + xmlObj.readyState);
if(xmlObj.readyState == 4) //When completed
if (xmlObj.status == 200) //200 = OK , 404 = Not Found
var dealId = xmlObj.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('DealId')[0].firstChild.data;
var UserId = xmlObj.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('UserId')[0].firstChild.data;
var UserName = xmlObj.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('UserName')[0].firstChild.data;

alert("This Deal is currently locked by " + UserName);
return false;
alert("DEBUG: No file found, therefore no lock exisits");
return true;


alert("DEBUG: Start File read");
// read xml file
xmlObj.open ('GET', file, true);
xmlObj.send ('');
alert("DEBUG: Read file request sent");
Posted: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:06:12 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 51
Also. I've used this code is a sample project not using EO and this process works
Posted: Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:00:44 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 51

I was using the physical file path instead of the relative path

Thanks anyway
Posted: Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:03:15 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,173
Thanks for the update!

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