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FrameKind Enumeration

Specifies what kind of frame the CircularGaugeFrame will render.

Namespace: EO.Wpf.Gauge
Assembly: EO.Wpf (in EO.Wpf.dll)

 public enum FrameKind

Note that for other kind of frames, Left, Right or Bottom, a RotateTransform should be used within the RenderTransform or LayoutTransform properties.

By default Quarter will render a top-left quarter, to create frames of other quarters, set Rotation to a value other than Rotate0.

Member Name Description
Half The CircularGaugeFrame will appear as a half top.
Quarter The CircularGaugeFrame will appear as a top-left quarter.
ThreeQuarter The CircularGaugeFrame will appear as a three quarter gauge.
Circle The CircularGaugeFrame will appear as a circle.
See Also