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Calendar Objects

Client side representation of a Calendar, PopupCalendar or DatePicker control.

Base Object
Calendar derives from Control and inherits all method provided by Control.
Name Description
formatDate Formats a date.
getDisabled Gets a value indicating whether the Calendar/DatePicker is disabled.
getSelectedDate Returns the selected date.
getSelectedDates Returns an Array object that contains all the selected dates.
getVisibleDate Returns a date value representing the first day of the first visible month.
goNextMonth Scrolls to the next month.
goPrevMonth Scrolls to the previous month.
goTo Scrolls to a specific month.
pageDown Scrolls down one page.
pageUp Scrolls up one page.
setDisabled Sets a value indicating whether the Calendar/DatePicker is disabled.
setSelectedDate Sets the selected date.
setSelectedDates Sets all the selected dates.
setValidDateRange Sets the minimum and maximum valid date.
showContextMenu Displays a context menu on top of the DatePicker popup.