Table of Contents
Callback Objects

Client side representation of a Callback or CallbackPanel control.


This object represents a Callback control or CallbackPanel on the client side. Usually you do not need to write any code to trigger the Callback. However, if necessary, you can use the execute method or global function eo_Callback to manually trigger a callback.

Uses Callback.ClientSideBeforeExecute, Callback.ClientSideAfterExecute and Callback.ClientSideAfterUpdate to handle client side events. The handlers' prototypes are explained at callback_before_execute_handler, callback_after_execute_handler and callback_after_update_handler respectively.

Base Object
Callback derives from Control and inherits all method provided by Control.
Name Description
execute Triggers a callback.
getAutoDisableContent Gets a value indicating whether the contents inside the CalllbackPanel control should be automatically disabled during callback.
getEventArgument Returns the current event argument.
getEventTarget Gets the current event target.
getLoadingPanelId Gets the ID of the loading panel.
getParam Gets the current callback parameter.
getTriggerId Gets the current trigger Id.
setAutoDisableContent Sets a value indicating whether the contents inside the CalllbackPanel control should be automatically disabled during callback.
setLoadingPanelId Sets the ID of the loading panel.