Global Functions

This section lists all global functions.

Name Description
eo_Callback Manually triggers a client side callback.
eo_CancelBubble Cancel the current DOM event.
eo_CancelEvent Cancel the current EO.Web control event.
eo_DateToString Converts a date value to a string value in a culture neutral manner.
eo_FormatString Provides .NET style string formating support.
eo_GetContainer Get the closest object that contains the given DHTML element.
eo_GetEventPos Gets the cursor position in page coordinates from the provided DOM event object.
eo_GetNavigatorEventInfo Returns the most recent navigator event info.
eo_GetObject Retrieves an instance of EO.Web client side object.
eo_HideAllPopups Hides all popups.
eo_MsgBox Displays a message box.
eo_RegisterDragTarget Register a drag target.
eo_SetComboBoxValue Set the ComboBox value.
eo_ShowContextMenu Displays a context menu.
eo_ShowPopup Displays a popup.
eo_ShowPopupCalendar Display a popup calendar.
eo_StringToDate Convert a string value to a date value in a culture neutral manner.
eo_TriggerServerEvent Trigger a ScriptEvent control's Command event.
eo_UnregisterDragTarget Unregister a drag target.