Table of Contents
  • Getting Started
  • EO.Pdf
  • EO.Web
    • Overview
    • Installation & Deployement
    • EO.Web ToolTip
    • EO.Web Rating
    • EO.Web Slider & RangeSlider
    • EO.Web ListBox
    • EO.Web ComboBox
    • EO.Web Captcha
    • EO.Web ASPX To PDF
    • EO.Web Slide
    • EO.Web Flyout
    • EO.Web EditableLabel
    • EO.Web ImageZoom
    • EO.Web Floater
    • EO.Web Downloader
    • EO.Web ColorPicker
    • EO.Web HTML Editor
    • EO.Web File Explorer
    • EO.Web SpellChecker
    • EO.Web Grid
    • EO.Web MaskedEdit
    • EO.Web Splitter
    • EO.Web Menu
    • EO.Web Slide Menu
    • EO.Web TabStrip
    • EO.Web TreeView
    • EO.Web Calendar
    • EO.Web Callback
    • EO.Web MultiPage
    • EO.Web Dialog
    • EO.Web AJAXUploader
    • EO.Web ProgressBar - Free!
    • EO.Web ToolBar - Free!
  • EO.WebBrowser
  • EO.Wpf
  • Common Topics
  • Reference
Using Flyout

Getting Started

Follow these steps to use EO.Web Flyout control:

  1. Drag an EO.Web Flyout control from the toolbox into your form;
  2. Set the Flyout control's For property to the ID of the control that you wish to trigger the flyout;
  3. Set the Flyout control's ExpandDirection property to the desired expand direction;
  4. Switch to .ASPX view to edit the Flyout control's ContentTemplate. The ContentTemplate property defines the content of the flyout popup. For example, the following syntax displays an image and a static text in the flyout:

    <eo:Flyout .....>
                <asp:Image runat="server" ID="Image1" ImageUrl="~/tv_shows.gif"></asp:Image>
                <asp:Labe runat="server" ID="Label1" Text="TV Shows"></asp:Labe>