Table of Contents
ColorPicker Properties

The properties of the ColorPicker class are listed below. For a complete list of ColorPicker class members, see the ColorPicker Members topic.

Name Description
AccessKey (inherited from WebControl) 
Adapter (inherited from Control) 
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) 
Attributes (inherited from WebControl) 
AutoPostBack Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the color picker automatically posts back when user selects a color.
BackColor (inherited from WebControl) 
BLabelText Gets or sets the text for the blue component text box label.
BorderImages (inherited from WebControl) Provides a list of images used to create customized borders for the control.
BrtLabelText Gets or sets the text for the brightness text box label.
ButtonStyle Gets or sets the styles applied to all buttons in the popup window.
ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) 
CLabelText Gets or sets the text for the cyan text box label.
ClientID (inherited from Control) 
ClientIDMode (inherited from Control) 
ClientIDSeparator (inherited from Control) 
ClientSideOnAdjust Gets or sets the name of the client side JavaScript function to be called when the current color changes.
ClientSideOnChange Gets or sets the name of the client side JavaScript function to be called when user selects a color.
ClientSideOnError (inherited from WebControlBase) Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when an error occurs on client side.
ClientSideOnEvalVar (inherited from WebControl) Specifies the name of client side JavaScript function which is called when a variable needs to be evaluated in a client template.
ClientSideOnLoad (inherited from WebControlBase) Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is loaded on the client side.
ClientSideOnMessage (inherited from WebControlBase) Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control displays a message.
ClientSideOnUnload (inherited from WebControlBase) Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that is called when the control is unloaded on the client side.
ColorFieldMarkerImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image used to indicate the current selected color on the color field.
ColorModel Gets or sets the default color model.
Context (inherited from Control) 
Controls (inherited from Control) 
ControlSkinID (inherited from WebControl) Specifies the ID of the skin used by this control.
ControlStyle (inherited from WebControl) 
ControlStyleCreated (inherited from WebControl) 
CssBlock (inherited from WebControl) Specifies the CSS style definition used by this control.
CssClass (inherited from WebControl) 
CssFile (inherited from WebControl) Specifies the path of an external CSS file that provides CSS styles used by this control.
DataItemContainer (inherited from Control) 
DataKeysContainer (inherited from Control) 
DesignMode (inherited from Control) 
DesignOptions (inherited from WebControl) Contains options used for design time preview.
Enabled (inherited from WebControl) 
EnableKeyboardNavigation (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether keyboard navigation should be enabled.
EnableTheming (inherited from WebControl) 
EnableViewState (inherited from Control) 
Events (inherited from Control) 
Font (inherited from WebControl) 
ForceSSL (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server should work as if it were always running on a secure server (https).
ForeColor (inherited from WebControl) 
GLabelText Gets or sets the text for the green component text box label.
HasAttributes (inherited from WebControl) 
HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) 
Height (inherited from WebControl) 
HueLabelText Gets or sets the text for the hue text box label.
ID (inherited from Control) 
IdSeparator (inherited from Control) 
ImageBaseDirectory (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the folder that contains images for the control.
IsChildControlStateCleared (inherited from Control) 
IsEnabled (inherited from WebControl) 
IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) 
IsViewStateEnabled (inherited from Control) 
KLabelText Gets or sets the text for the black text box label.
LoadViewStateByID (inherited from Control) 
MLabelText Gets or sets the text for the magenta text box label.
NamingContainer (inherited from Control) 
OKButtonText Gets or sets the text for the OK button.
Parent (inherited from Control) 
PopupCollapseEffect Specifies the Effect object that controls the effect to collapse the color picker popup.
PopupDownImageUrl Specifies the URL of the image to be displayed when mouse is pressed down over the picker button.
PopupExpandDirection Specifies the direction to which the color picker popup displays.
PopupExpandEffect Specifies the Effect object that controls the effect to expand the color picker popup.
PopupHoverImageUrl Specifies the URL of the image to be displayed when mouse is position over the picker button.
PopupImageUrl Specifies the URL of the image displayed for the picker button.
PopupLayoutTemplate Gets or sets the template that is used to define the color picker popup layout.
PopupOffsetX Specifies the horizontal offset of the position to display the color picker popup.
PopupOffsetY Specifies the vertical offset of the position to display this color picker popup.
PopupShadowColor Specifies the popup shadow color.
PopupShadowDepth Specifies the popup shadow depth in pixel.
PopupStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the popup window.
RenderingCompatibility (inherited from Control) 
RightToLeft (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should renders as right to left.
RLabelText Gets or sets the text for the red component text box label.
SatLabelText Gets or sets the text for the saturation text box label.
Shortcut (inherited from WebControl) Get a Shortcut object through which you can get or set the keyboard short cut for this control.
Site (inherited from Control) 
SkinID (inherited from WebControl) 
SpectrumSliderArrowImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image used to indicate the current position on the color slider.
Style (inherited from WebControl) 
SupportsDisabledAttribute (inherited from WebControl) 
TabIndex (inherited from WebControl) 
TagKey (inherited from WebControl) 
TagName (inherited from WebControl) 
TargetControl Gets or sets the ID of the target control of this color picker. The target control must be either a Label, a TextBox or a Panel control.
TemplateControl (inherited from Control) 
TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) 
TextBoxStyle Gets or sets the style used by textboxes in the color picker popup.
TitleText Gets or sets the text for the popup title.
ToolTip (inherited from WebControl) 
UniqueID (inherited from Control) 
UpdateTargetColor Gets or sets a value indicating whether the color picker automatically updates the target control's background color when user selects a color.
UpdateTargetText Gets or sets a value indicating whether the color picker automatically updates the target control's text when user selects a color.
ValidateRequestMode (inherited from Control) 
Value Gets or sets the current color of the color picker.
ViewState (inherited from Control) 
ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) 
ViewStateMode (inherited from Control) 
Visible (inherited from Control) 
WebColorLabelText Gets or sets the text for the web color text box label.
WebColorOnly Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the color picker should only accept web safe colors.
WebSafeLabelText Gets or sets the text for the red component text box label.
Width (inherited from WebControl) 
YLabelText Gets or sets the text for the yellow text box label.
See Also