Table of Contents
ComboBox Properties

The properties of the ComboBox class are listed below. For a complete list of ComboBox class members, see the ComboBox Members topic.

Name Description
ActualHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ActualWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AllowDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
AlternationCount (inherited from ItemsControl) 
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Background (inherited from Control) 
BindingGroup (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BitmapEffect (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BitmapEffectInput (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BorderBrush (inherited from Control) 
BorderThickness (inherited from Control) 
CacheMode (inherited from UIElement) 
ClearButtonTemplate Gets or sets the template for the clear button.
Clip (inherited from UIElement) 
ClipToBounds (inherited from UIElement) 
CommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ContextMenu (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Cursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DataContext (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DefaultStyleKey (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DependencyObjectType (inherited from DependencyObject) 
DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement) 
Dispatcher (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
DisplayMemberPath (inherited from ItemsControl) 
DropDownBorderStyle Gets or sets the style of the drop down border.
DropDownCollapseEffect Gets or sets the effect played when the drop down closes.
DropDownExpandEffect Gets or sets the effect played when the drop down opens.
DropDownMaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height for the drop-down of the ComboBox.
DropDownMaxItemCount Gets or sets the maximum items to be displayed in the dropdown.
DropDownMaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width for the drop-down of the ComboBox.
DropDownMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height for the drop-down of the ComboBox.
DropDownMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width for the drop-down of the ComboBox.
Effect (inherited from UIElement) 
EmptyPrompt Get the object to be displayed when the ComboBox is empty.
FlowDirection (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focusable (inherited from UIElement) 
FocusVisualStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FontFamily (inherited from Control) 
FontSize (inherited from Control) 
FontStretch (inherited from Control) 
FontStyle (inherited from Control) 
FontWeight (inherited from Control) 
FooterTemplate Gets or sets the template for the drop down footer.
ForceCursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Foreground (inherited from Control) 
GroupStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
GroupStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
HasAnimatedProperties (inherited from UIElement) 
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
HasItems (inherited from ItemsControl) 
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template for the drop down header.
Height (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
InheritanceBehavior (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
InputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
InputScope (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsArrangeValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsDropDownOpen Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the drop-down for a combo box is currently open.
IsEditable Gets or sets a value that enables or disables editing of the text in text box of the ComboBox.
IsEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsEnabledCore (inherited from UIElement) 
IsFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsGrouping (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsHitTestVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
IsInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsInputMethodEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsLoaded (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsManipulationEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMeasureValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TextBox control inside the selection box is read-only.
IsSealed (inherited from DependencyObject) 
IsSelectedItemsDropDownOpen Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the drop-down for selected items is currently open.
IsSelectionBoxHighlighted Gets whether the SelectionBoxItem is highlighted.
IsStylusCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem (inherited from Selector) 
IsTabStop (inherited from Control) 
IsTextSearchCaseSensitive (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsTextSearchEnabled (inherited from ItemsControl) 
IsVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
ItemBindingGroup (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerGenerator (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyle (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemContainerStyleSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Items (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsPanel (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemsSource (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemStringFormat (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplate (inherited from ItemsControl) 
ItemTemplateSelector (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Language (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LayoutTransform (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LogicalChildren (inherited from ItemsControl) 
Margin (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MoreItemsButtonTemplate Gets or sets the template for the "more items" button.
MultiSelectionItemTemplate Gets or Sets the item template of the Multi selection Item's content.
Name (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Opacity (inherited from UIElement) 
OpacityMask (inherited from UIElement) 
OverridesDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PersistId (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
RenderSize (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransformOrigin (inherited from UIElement) 
Resources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
SelectedIndex (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedItem (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedItems Gets the currently selected items.
SelectedValue (inherited from Selector) 
SelectedValuePath (inherited from Selector) 
SelectionBoxItem Gets the item that is displayed in the selection box.
SelectionBoxItemStringFormat Gets a composite string that specifies how to format the selected item in the selection box if it is displayed as a string.
SelectionBoxItemTemplate Gets the item template of the selection box content.
ShowCheckBoxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a checkbox for each item in the drop-down.
ShowClearButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a clear button.
ShowFooter Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display footer in the drop-down.
ShowHeader Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display header in the drop-down.
SnapsToDevicePixels (inherited from UIElement) 
StaysOpenOnEdit Gets or sets whether a ComboBox that is open and displays a drop-down control will remain open when a user clicks the textbox.
Style (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
StylusPlugIns (inherited from UIElement) 
TabIndex (inherited from Control) 
Tag (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Template (inherited from Control) 
TemplatedParent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Text Gets or sets the text of the currently selected item or the text entered by the user.
ToolTip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
TouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Triggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Uid (inherited from UIElement) 
UseLayoutRounding (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Visibility (inherited from UIElement) 
VisualBitmapEffect (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapEffectInput (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapScalingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualCacheMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualChildrenCount (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VisualClearTypeHint (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEdgeMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEffect (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOffset (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacity (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacityMask (inherited from Visual) 
VisualParent (inherited from Visual) 
VisualScrollableAreaClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextHintingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextRenderingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTransform (inherited from Visual) 
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
Width (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
See Also