Table of Contents
CircularScale Properties

The properties of the CircularScale class are listed below. For a complete list of CircularScale class members, see the CircularScale Members topic.

Name Description
ActualHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ActualWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AllowDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Background (inherited from Control) 
BindingGroup (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BitmapEffect (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BitmapEffectInput (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BorderBrush (inherited from Control) 
BorderThickness (inherited from Control) 
CacheMode (inherited from UIElement) 
Clip (inherited from UIElement) 
ClipToBounds (inherited from UIElement) 
CommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ContextMenu (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Cursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DataContext (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DefaultStyleKey (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DependencyObjectType (inherited from DependencyObject) 
DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement) 
Dispatcher (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
Effect (inherited from UIElement) 
EndAngle Gets or sets the EndAngle property. This is a dependency property.
FlowDirection (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focusable (inherited from UIElement) 
FocusVisualStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FontFamily (inherited from Control) 
FontSize (inherited from Control) 
FontStretch (inherited from Control) 
FontStyle (inherited from Control) 
FontWeight (inherited from Control) 
ForceCursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Foreground (inherited from Control) 
HandlesScrolling (inherited from Control) 
HasAnimatedProperties (inherited from UIElement) 
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
Height (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
InheritanceBehavior (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
InputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
InputScope (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsArrangeValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsDirectionReversed (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the direction of increasing values for this scale. This is a dependency property.
IsEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsEnabledCore (inherited from UIElement) 
IsFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsHitTestVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
IsInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsInputMethodEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsLoaded (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsManipulationEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMeasureValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSealed (inherited from DependencyObject) 
IsStylusCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsTabStop (inherited from Control) 
IsVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
Language (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LayoutTransform (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LineOptions Gets or sets the LineOptions object that contains settings for an optional line the scale can display. This is a dependency property.
MajorInterval (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates the interval between the scale major ticks. This is a dependency property.
MajorLabelOptions Gets or sets the MajorCircularLabelOptions object that contains settings for the major labels. This is a dependency property.
MajorTickOptions Gets or sets the MajorCircularTickOptions object that contains settings for the major ticks. This is a dependency property.
Margin (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MaxHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Maximum (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the maximum value of the scale. This is a dependency property.
MaxWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Minimum (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the minimum value of the scale. This is a dependency property.
MinorInterval (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates the interval between the scale minor ticks. This is a dependency property.
MinorLabelOptions Gets or sets the MinorCircularLabelOptions object that contains settings for the minor labels. This is a dependency property.
MinorTickOptions Gets or sets the MinorCircularTickOptions object that contains settings for the minor ticks. This is a dependency property.
MinWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Name (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Opacity (inherited from UIElement) 
OpacityMask (inherited from UIElement) 
OriginX Gets or sets the center of the rings on x-axis. This is a dependency property.
OriginY Gets or sets the center of the rings on y-axis. This is a dependency property.
OverridesDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PersistId (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
RangeBarRing Gets or sets a 0 based value that indicates the ring index of the scale's ranges bar. This is a dependency property.
Ranges (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets a collection of Range object for this scale.
RenderSize (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransformOrigin (inherited from UIElement) 
Resources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
RingDefinitions Returns a RingDefinitionCollection of RingDefinition.
ShowFirst (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the first tick mark and the corresponding label should be shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowLast (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the last tick mark and the corresponding label should be shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowLine Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a line is displayed along the major and minor ticks interval. This is a dependency property.
ShowMajorLabels (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether major labels are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMajorTicks (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether major tick marks are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMinorLabels (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minor labels are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMinorTicks (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minor tick marks are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowRings Gets or sets the ShowRings property of the ScalePanel used by this CircularScale.
SnapsToDevicePixels (inherited from UIElement) 
StartAngle Gets or sets a value that indicates the start angle of scale. This is a dependency property.
Style (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
StylusPlugIns (inherited from UIElement) 
TabIndex (inherited from Control) 
Tag (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Template (inherited from Control) 
TemplatedParent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ToolTip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
TouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Triggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Uid (inherited from UIElement) 
UseLayoutRounding (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ValueIndicators (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets a collection of ValueIndicator objects attached to this a Scale.
VerticalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Visibility (inherited from UIElement) 
VisualBitmapEffect (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapEffectInput (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapScalingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualCacheMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClearTypeHint (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEdgeMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEffect (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOffset (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacity (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacityMask (inherited from Visual) 
VisualParent (inherited from Visual) 
VisualScrollableAreaClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextHintingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextRenderingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTransform (inherited from Visual) 
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
Width (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
See Also