Table of Contents
  • Getting Started
  • EO.Pdf
  • EO.Web
  • EO.WebBrowser
  • EO.Wpf
  • Common Topics
  • Reference
    • .NET API Reference
      • EO.Base
      • EO.Base.UI
      • EO.Extensions
      • EO.Pdf
      • EO.Pdf.Acm
      • EO.Pdf.Contents
      • EO.Pdf.Drawing
      • EO.Pdf.Mvc
      • EO.Web
      • EO.WebBrowser
      • EO.WebBrowser.DOM
      • EO.WebEngine
      • EO.WinForm
      • EO.Wpf
      • EO.Wpf.Gauge
        • EO.Wpf.Gauge
        • Classes
          • CircularGaugeFrame Class
          • CircularLabelOptions Class
          • CircularLineOptions Class
          • CircularOptions Class
          • CircularScale Class
          • CircularTickOptions Class
          • LinearGaugeFrame Class
          • LinearLabelOptions Class
          • LinearOptions Class
          • LinearRangeBarOptions Class
          • LinearScale Class
          • LinearScaleBase Class
          • LinearTickBar Class
          • LinearTickOptions Class
          • MajorCircularLabelOptions Class
          • MajorCircularTickOptions Class
          • MajorLinearLabelOptions Class
          • MajorLinearTickOptions Class
          • Marker Class
          • MarkerCollection Class
          • MinorCircularLabelOptions Class
          • MinorCircularTickOptions Class
          • MinorLinearLabelOptions Class
          • MinorLinearTickOptions Class
          • Needle Class
          • Options Class
          • ProgressIndicator Class
          • Range Class
          • RangeBarOptionsBase Class
          • RangeCollection Class
          • RollingRangeBarOptions Class
          • RollingScale Class
          • RollingTickBar Class
          • ScaleBase Class
          • TickBarBase Class
          • ValueIndicator Class
        • Enumerations
      • EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
      • EO.Wpf.Primitives
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
    • JavaScript API Reference
LinearScaleBase Members

The LinearScaleBase class exposes the following members.

Name Description
LinearScaleBase(); Initializes a new instance of the LinearScaleBase class.
Name Description
ActualHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ActualWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AllowDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
AreAnyTouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Background (inherited from Control) 
BindingGroup (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BitmapEffect (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BitmapEffectInput (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
BorderBrush (inherited from Control) 
BorderThickness (inherited from Control) 
CacheMode (inherited from UIElement) 
Clip (inherited from UIElement) 
ClipToBounds (inherited from UIElement) 
CommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ContextMenu (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Cursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DataContext (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DefaultStyleKey (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
DependencyObjectType (inherited from DependencyObject) 
DesiredSize (inherited from UIElement) 
Dispatcher (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
Effect (inherited from UIElement) 
FlowDirection (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focusable (inherited from UIElement) 
FocusVisualStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FontFamily (inherited from Control) 
FontSize (inherited from Control) 
FontStretch (inherited from Control) 
FontStyle (inherited from Control) 
FontWeight (inherited from Control) 
ForceCursor (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Foreground (inherited from Control) 
HandlesScrolling (inherited from Control) 
HasAnimatedProperties (inherited from UIElement) 
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
Height (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HorizontalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
InheritanceBehavior (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
InputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
InputScope (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsArrangeValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsDirectionReversed (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the direction of increasing values for this scale. This is a dependency property.
IsEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsEnabledCore (inherited from UIElement) 
IsFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsHitTestVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
IsInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsInputMethodEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocused (inherited from UIElement) 
IsKeyboardFocusWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsLoaded (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
IsManipulationEnabled (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMeasureValid (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsMouseOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsSealed (inherited from DependencyObject) 
IsStylusCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusCaptureWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsStylusOver (inherited from UIElement) 
IsTabStop (inherited from Control) 
IsVisible (inherited from UIElement) 
Language (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LayoutTransform (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
LineHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the scale line. This is a dependency property.
LineStyle Gets or sets the LineStyle property. This is a dependency property.
LineVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the scale line. This is a dependency property.
LogicalChildren (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MajorInterval (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates the interval between the scale major ticks. This is a dependency property.
MajorLabelOptions Gets or sets a MajorLinearLabelOptions object that contains settings for major labels. This is a dependency property.
MajorTickOptions Gets or sets a MajorLinearTickOptions object that contains settings for major ticks. This is a dependency property.
Margin (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MarkerBarHorizontalOffset Gets or sets the horizontal offset of the embedded marker bar. This is a dependency property.
MarkerBarSize Gets or sets the size of the embedded marker bar. This is a dependency property.
MarkerBarVerticalOffset Gets or sets the vertical offset of the embedded marker bar. This is a dependency property.
MaxHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Maximum (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the maximum value of the scale. This is a dependency property.
MaxWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MinHeight (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Minimum (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets the minimum value of the scale. This is a dependency property.
MinorInterval (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates the interval between the scale minor ticks. This is a dependency property.
MinorLabelOptions Gets or sets a MinorLinearLabelOptions object that contains settings for minor labels. This is a dependency property.
MinorTickOptions Gets or sets a MinorLinearTickOptions object that contains settings for minor ticks. This is a dependency property.
MinWidth (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Name (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Opacity (inherited from UIElement) 
OpacityMask (inherited from UIElement) 
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the linear scale. This is a dependency property.
OverridesDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Padding (inherited from Control) 
Parent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PersistId (inherited from UIElement)Obsolete.  
Ranges (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets a collection of Range object for this scale.
RenderSize (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransform (inherited from UIElement) 
RenderTransformOrigin (inherited from UIElement) 
Resources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ShowFirst (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the first tick mark and the corresponding label should be shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowLast (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the last tick mark and the corresponding label should be shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowLine Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a line should be inserted in the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMajorLabels (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether major labels are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMajorTicks (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether major tick marks are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMinorLabels (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minor labels are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowMinorTicks (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether minor tick marks are shown on the scale. This is a dependency property.
ShowRangeBar Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the scale's embedded range bar should be displayed or not. This is a dependency property.
SnapsToDevicePixels (inherited from UIElement) 
Style (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
StylusPlugIns (inherited from UIElement) 
TabIndex (inherited from Control) 
Tag (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Template (inherited from Control) 
TemplatedParent (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ToolTip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
TouchesCaptured (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesCapturedWithin (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesDirectlyOver (inherited from UIElement) 
TouchesOver (inherited from UIElement) 
Triggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Uid (inherited from UIElement) 
UseLayoutRounding (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ValueIndicators (inherited from ScaleBase) Gets a collection of ValueIndicator objects attached to this a Scale.
VerticalAlignment (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VerticalContentAlignment (inherited from Control) 
Visibility (inherited from UIElement) 
VisualBitmapEffect (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapEffectInput (inherited from Visual)Obsolete.  
VisualBitmapScalingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualCacheMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualChildrenCount (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
VisualClearTypeHint (inherited from Visual) 
VisualClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEdgeMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualEffect (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOffset (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacity (inherited from Visual) 
VisualOpacityMask (inherited from Visual) 
VisualParent (inherited from Visual) 
VisualScrollableAreaClip (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextHintingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTextRenderingMode (inherited from Visual) 
VisualTransform (inherited from Visual) 
VisualXSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
VisualYSnappingGuidelines (inherited from Visual) 
Width (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Name Description
AddHandler (inherited from UIElement)Overloaded.  
AddLogicalChild (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
AddToEventRoute (inherited from UIElement) 
AddVisualChild (inherited from Visual) 
ApplyAnimationClock (inherited from UIElement)Overloaded.  
ApplyTemplate (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Arrange (inherited from UIElement) 
ArrangeCore (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ArrangeOverride (inherited from Control) 
BeginAnimation (inherited from UIElement)Overloaded.  
BeginInit (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
BeginStoryboard (inherited from FrameworkElement)Overloaded.  
BringIntoView (inherited from FrameworkElement)Overloaded.  
CaptureMouse (inherited from UIElement) 
CaptureStylus (inherited from UIElement) 
CaptureTouch (inherited from UIElement) 
CheckAccess (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
ClearValue (inherited from DependencyObject)Overloaded.  
CoerceValue (inherited from DependencyObject) 
EndInit (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Equals (inherited from DependencyObject) 
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
FindCommonVisualAncestor (inherited from Visual) 
FindName (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
FindResource (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
Focus (inherited from UIElement) 
GetAnimationBaseValue (inherited from UIElement) 
GetBindingExpression (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
GetHashCode (inherited from DependencyObject) 
GetLayoutClip (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
GetLocalValueEnumerator (inherited from DependencyObject) 
GetTemplateChild (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
GetUIParentCore (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
GetValue (inherited from DependencyObject) 
GetVisualChild (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
HitTestCore (inherited from UIElement)Overloaded.  
InputHitTest (inherited from UIElement) 
InvalidateArrange (inherited from UIElement) 
InvalidateMeasure (inherited from UIElement) 
InvalidateProperty (inherited from DependencyObject) 
InvalidateVisual (inherited from UIElement) 
IsAncestorOf (inherited from Visual) 
IsDescendantOf (inherited from Visual) 
Measure (inherited from UIElement) 
MeasureCore (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
MeasureOverride (inherited from Control) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
MoveFocus (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnAccessKey (inherited from UIElement) 
OnChildDesiredSizeChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnContextMenuClosing (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnContextMenuOpening (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnCreateAutomationPeer (inherited from UIElement) 
OnDpiChanged (inherited from Visual) 
OnDragEnter (inherited from UIElement) 
OnDragLeave (inherited from UIElement) 
OnDragOver (inherited from UIElement) 
OnDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
OnGiveFeedback (inherited from UIElement) 
OnGotFocus (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnGotKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
OnGotMouseCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnGotStylusCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnGotTouchCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnInitialized (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnIsKeyboardFocusedChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsMouseCapturedChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsStylusCapturedChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged (inherited from UIElement) 
OnKeyDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnKeyUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnLostFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
OnLostKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
OnLostMouseCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnLostStylusCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnLostTouchCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationBoundaryFeedback (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationCompleted (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationDelta (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationInertiaStarting (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationStarted (inherited from UIElement) 
OnManipulationStarting (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnMouseDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseEnter (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseLeave (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseLeftButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseLeftButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseRightButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseRightButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnMouseWheel (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewDragEnter (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewDragLeave (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewDragOver (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewDrop (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewGiveFeedback (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewKeyDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewKeyUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control) 
OnPreviewMouseDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewMouseWheel (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusInAirMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusInRange (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusOutOfRange (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusSystemGesture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewStylusUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewTextInput (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewTouchDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewTouchMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPreviewTouchUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnPropertyChanged (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnQueryContinueDrag (inherited from UIElement) 
OnQueryCursor (inherited from UIElement) 
OnRender (inherited from UIElement) 
OnRenderSizeChanged (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnStyleChanged (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnStylusButtonDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusButtonUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusEnter (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusInAirMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusInRange (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusLeave (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusOutOfRange (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusSystemGesture (inherited from UIElement) 
OnStylusUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnTemplateChanged (inherited from Control) 
OnTextInput (inherited from UIElement) 
OnToolTipClosing (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnToolTipOpening (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
OnTouchDown (inherited from UIElement) 
OnTouchEnter (inherited from UIElement) 
OnTouchLeave (inherited from UIElement) 
OnTouchMove (inherited from UIElement) 
OnTouchUp (inherited from UIElement) 
OnVisualChildrenChanged (inherited from Visual) 
OnVisualParentChanged (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ParentLayoutInvalidated (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
PointFromScreen (inherited from Visual) 
PointToScreen (inherited from Visual) 
PredictFocus (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
RaiseEvent (inherited from UIElement) 
ReadLocalValue (inherited from DependencyObject) 
RegisterName (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ReleaseAllTouchCaptures (inherited from UIElement) 
ReleaseMouseCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
ReleaseStylusCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
ReleaseTouchCapture (inherited from UIElement) 
RemoveHandler (inherited from UIElement) 
RemoveLogicalChild (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
RemoveVisualChild (inherited from Visual) 
SetBinding (inherited from FrameworkElement)Overloaded.  
SetCurrentValue (inherited from DependencyObject) 
SetResourceReference (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
SetValue (inherited from DependencyObject)Overloaded.  
ShouldSerializeCommandBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ShouldSerializeInputBindings (inherited from UIElement) 
ShouldSerializeProperty (inherited from DependencyObject) 
ShouldSerializeResources (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ShouldSerializeStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ShouldSerializeTriggers (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
ToString (inherited from Control) 
TransformToAncestor (inherited from Visual)Overloaded.  
TransformToDescendant (inherited from Visual) 
TransformToVisual (inherited from Visual) 
TranslatePoint (inherited from UIElement) 
TryFindResource (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
UnregisterName (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
UpdateDefaultStyle (inherited from FrameworkElement) 
UpdateLayout (inherited from UIElement) 
VerifyAccess (inherited from DispatcherObject) 
See Also