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Populating from DataSet

Apply to

Menu, SlideMenu, TabStrip and TreeView


EO.Web navigation controls support populating from a DataSet. The DataSet should contain DataSet.Relations to represent a hierarchical data structure which can map to the control's structure.

How to define hierarchical data structure in a DataSet

Use DataRelation object to define hierarchical relations in a DataSet. Considering a DataSet with the following tables:

Countries table:

CountryID CountryName
1 U.S.A.
2 Canada

States table:

StateID CountryID StateName
1 1 GA
2 1 FL
3 2 ON

Cities table:

CityID StateID CityName CityWebSite
1 1 Atlanta
2 1 Savannah
3 2 Miami
4 2 Orlando
5 3 Toronto


The Nested property of all DataRelation objects must be set to true.

Mapping data field to item's property

When binding to a DataSet as shown above, by default data field value in records are assigned to an item's Text.Html property. For example, specifying "CountryName|StateName|CityName " as DataFields value generates the following menu:

If you intend to assign data field value to other property, you can define one or more DataBinding objects to customize the mapping between a specific data field and a specific property. The code below maps data field "WebSite" to NavigateUrl for the City level navigation items:

<eo:Menu Runat="server" DataFields="CountryName|StateName|CityName">

Use Depth to specify which level the mapping should be applied to. Depth starts from 0.

Populating a group

EO.Web navigation controls support populating a certain group from a data source. Simple specify the group's DataFields and DataSource properties, then call DataBind method.

Here's a sample of editting a MenuGroup's Bindings property


Follow these steps to populate a control or group from DataSet:
  1. Drag an EO.Web navigation control onto the page;
  2. Create and fill the DataSet object;
  3. Define one or more DataRelation object in the DataSet and set Nested property to true;
  4. Set the control or group's DataFields property;
  5. Optionally, define one or more DataBinding objects for the control or group if you want to define a customized data binding;
  6. Call DataBind method on the control or group.