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TriggerMode Property

Gets or sets the condition that triggers the HTML to PDF conversion.

 public HtmlToPdfTriggerMode TriggerMode { get; set; }

The default value is Auto, which means the HTML to PDF converter will wait for all page contents to be loaded (CSS, images, etc) before starting conversion. You can override this behavior by setting TriggerMode to Manual or Dual.

When TriggerMode is set to either Manual or Dual, you must manually trigger the conversion from JavaScript by calling the following code:


If you do not call eoapi.convert() in your page, then the conversion will not start. It will eventually fail with a time out error.

When TriggerMode is set to Manual, the converter will start immediately as soon as eoapi.convert() is called, regardless whether all page contents are loaded or not. When TriggerMode is set to Dual, the converter will still wait for page contents to be loaded. The conversion will start only after page contents are loaded and eoapi.convert() is called.

See Also