Table of Contents
HtmlToPdfOptions Properties

The properties of the HtmlToPdfOptions class are listed below. For a complete list of HtmlToPdfOptions class members, see the HtmlToPdfOptions Members topic.

Name Description
AdditionalHeaders Specifies additional HTTP headers to be added to the default headers while requesting the HTML page from the server.
AfterRenderPage Gets or sets a function to be called after contents are rendered on a page.
AllowLocalAccess Specifies whether to allow access to local files.
AutoAdjustForDPI Specifies whether to automatically adjust output based on the current system's DPI settings.
AutoBookmark Specifies whether to automatically generates bookmarks based on HTML header (H1 - H6) elements.
AutoFitX Specifies the horizontal auto fit mode.
AutoFitY Specifies the vertical auto fit mode.
BaseUrl Gets or sets the base Url when converting HTML text.
BeforeRenderPage Gets or sets a function to be called before contents are rendered on a page.
CertificateError Gets or sets a function to be called when a server side certificate error occurs.
ClientCertificate Gets or sets the client certificate used to communicate with the server.
ColumnCount Specifies how many columns per page.
ColumnGapWidth Specifies the width of the gap between columns in inches.
Cookies Gets or sets the collection of cookies used for the conversion.
FirstHeaderFooterPageIndex Gets or sets the first page on which header and footer should be added (through HeaderHtmlFormat and FooterHtmlFormat).
FirstPageNumber Gets or sets the page number for the first page.
FooterHtmlFormat Gets or sets the footer format.
FooterHtmlPosition Gets or sets the vertical position for the footer HTML in inches.
FooterHtmls Gets or sets the HTML text for footers.
GeneratePageImages Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically generate page images.
GenerateTags Gets or sets a value indicating whether to generate tagged PDF file.
HeaderHtmlFormat Gets or sets the header format.
HeaderHtmlPosition Gets or sets the vertical position for the header HTML in inches.
HeaderHtmls Gets or sets the HTML text for headers.
InvisibleElementIds Gets or sets a list of invisible element Ids.
JpegQualityLevel Specifies the JPEG compression quality level.
JSInitCode Gets or sets the additional JavaScript code to be executed in the document to be converted.
MaxLoadWaitTime Specifies the maximum wait time in milliseconds to load a page.
MinLoadWaitTime Specifies the minimum wait time in milliseconds to load a page.
Mode Gets or sets the conversion mode.
NoCache Specifies whether to use/update cache while downloading remote files.
NoLink Specifies whether to disable links in the HTML file.
NoScript Specifies whether to disable script in the HTML file.
Orientation Specifies the output orientation.
OutputArea Specifies output area in inches.
PageSize Specifies output page size in inches.
Password Specifies the password if the HTML page to be converted requires authentication.
PostData Specifies HTTP post data such as form data to be posted to the server while requesting the HTML page from the server.
ProxyInfo Gets or sets the proxy information.
RepeatTableHeaderAndFooter Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTML to PDF converter should automatically repeat table header and footer.
RetrieveNodeText Gets or sets a value specifying whether the HTML node text is retrieved so that HtmlElement.InnerText can be used to return the element text.
SSLVerificationMode Gets or sets how SSL certificate should be verified.
StartColumnIndex Gets or sets the start column index.
StartPageIndex Gets or set the starting page index.
StartPosition Gets or sets the starting Y offset in inches on the first page.
ThrowOnHttpError Gets or sets a value indicating whether the conversion should fail if a HTTP error occurred.
TriggerMode Gets or sets the condition that triggers the HTML to PDF conversion.
UsePrintMedia Gets or sets a value indicating whether print media should be used.
UserName Specifies the user name if the HTML page to be converted requires authentication.
UserStyleSheet Gets or sets the additional style sheets to be applied to the document to be converted.
VisibleElementIds Gets or sets a list of visible element Ids.
ZoomLevel Gets or sets the initial zooming level.
See Also