Table of Contents
Pre-defined Commands
The following table lists all the supported command names:
Command Name Remarks
AlignCenter Align the selection or the current paragraph to the center.
AlignJustify Align the selection or the current paragraph to the left and right edge.
AlignLeft Align the selection or the current paragraph to the left.
AlignRight Align the selection or the current paragraph to the right.
BackColor Invoke the control specified by to set the background color.
Bold Make selection bold.
BulletList Change the selection or the current paragraph into a bullet list.
Copy Copy selection to the clipboard.
ClearFormat Clear format information.
ClearWordFormat Clear format information used by Microsoft Word.
Cut Cut selection to the clipboard.
DesignMode Switch to the deisgn mode.
Find Invoke the Find and Replace dialog.
Fonts The font drop down toolbar item. See FontNames for more details.
FontSizes The font size drop down toolbar item. See FontSizes for more details.
ForeColor Invoke the control specified by to set the text color.
HTMLMode Switch to the HTML mode.
Indent Indent the selection.
InsertEmoticon Display the emoticon drop down.
InsertHTML Insert HTML text.
InsertLine Insert a horizontal line.
InsertOrEditAnchor Insert a new anchor, or edit an existing anchor if the insert position is inside an existing anchor.
InsertOrEditImage Insert a new image, or edit an existing image if the insert position is inside an existing image.
InsertOrEditLink Insert a new HTML link, or edit an existing link if the insert position is inside an existing link.
InsertOrEditTable Insert a new table, or edit an existing table if the insert position is inside a table.
Italic Make selection italic.
NumberedList Change the selection or the current paragraph into a numbered list.
New Clears the editor.
PreviewMode Switch to the preivew mode.
Redo Redo the last editing action.
RemoveLink Remove HTML link.
SpellCheck Invoke the associated spell checker to perform a spell check.
Styles The style drop down toolbar item. See Styles for more details.
Outdent Outdent the selection.
Paste Paste from the clipboard.
PasteAsText Paste as plain text from the clipboard.
Table_DeleteColumn Delete the current column in the table.
Table_DeleteRow Delete the current row in the table.
Table_InsertColumnLeft Inserts a new column to the left of the current column in the table.
Table_InsertColumnRight Inserts a new column to the right of the current column in the table.
Table_InsertRowAbove Inserts a new row above the current row in the table.
Table_InsertRowBelow Inserts a new row below the current row in the table.
Table_MergeCellsDown Merges the current cell with the cell below in the table.
Table_MergeCellsRight Merges the current cell with the next cell in the same row in the table.
Table_SplitCellHorz Split the current cell into two cells horizontally in the table.
Table_SplitCellVert Split the current cell into two cells vertically in the table.
Underline Underline the selection.
Undo Undo the last editing action.