Table of Contents

The default UI and messages for the editor is in English. In order to support other languages, the following elements must be customized:

If the editor uses ColorPicker (through ColorPickerID property), SpellChecker (through SpellCheckerID property) or ContextMenu (through ContextMenuID property), those controls should be localized as well.

Localizing prompt messages

The editor also displays certain messages. For example, when Find and Replace dialog can not find a match, it displays a message "Can not find 'xxx'.". To customize/localize this message, handle the editor's ClientSideOnMessage event. For example:

<eo:Editor ClientSideOnMessage="on_editor_msg" ...>

Localizing emoticons

The default tool tip text for emoticons are in English. In order to replace the default tool tip text, a custom emoticon set must be used. Follow these steps to use custom emoticon sets:

  1. If you wish to use existing images provided by EO.Web Controls. Unzip found under the installation folder. This file contains all the image files used by EO.Web Controls. Locate all the emoticon files under "Editor\emoticons" folder. Then copy the files you wish to use to a directory on your website;
  2. If you do not wish to use existing images provided by EO.Web Controls. Copy the files you wish to use directory to a directory on your website;
  3. This step is optional, see next step for details. Name each file using each file's intented tooltip text. For example, if an image's intended tooltip text is "Big Smile", the name the file "Big Smile.gif" (assuming .gif file is used);
  4. Call Editor.RegisterEmoticonSet to register a custom emoticon set. Depending on which version of RegisterEmoticonSet you call, step 3 may or may not be necessary. This function only needs to be called once per application;
  5. Set the editor's EmoticonSet to the name of the custom emoticon set registered on step 4;