Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide

Follow these simple steps to start using EO.Web Editor:

  1. Drag an EO.Web Editor from the toolbox to your Web Form. If you do not see the control in your toolbox, try manually adding them;
  2. Optional. Set the editor's Html property to load the initial contents. You can also load the initial contents from code:
    Editor1.Html = "initial editor contents.";
  3. Set the editor's TextAreaCssFile property. The path must be a path relative to the application root, that is, starting with "~/". For example, "~/styles/editor.css".
  4. Optional but recommended. Set the editor's HtmlBodyCssClass property to set the default text style (usually font) for the editor contents;
  5. Include Save button in the toolbars, or place other controls that can submit the page in the form. For example, a standard ASP.NET Button control. This is usually necessary when the editor contents and other page contents are to be submitted together;
  6. Run the page and edit the editor contents, then submit the page with either the Save button or other controls that can post back the page;
  7. When the page posts back, use the editor's Html property to access the editor contents.