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Drop Down Header and Footer

EO.Wpf ComboBox can display a header and a footer in the drop down. Neither the header nor the footer is considered an item or selectable. The following code demonstrates how to use this feature:

<Window x:Class="Test.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="250" Width="350">
        <eo:ComboBox Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ShowHeader="true">
                    <TextBlock Background="WhiteSmoke" FontWeight="Bold">Please select an item</TextBlock>
            <eo:ComboBoxItem>Item 1</eo:ComboBoxItem>
            <eo:ComboBoxItem>Item 2</eo:ComboBoxItem>
            <eo:ComboBoxItem>Item 3</eo:ComboBoxItem>
            <eo:ComboBoxItem>Item 4</eo:ComboBoxItem>
            <eo:ComboBoxItem>Item 5</eo:ComboBoxItem>

The above code produces the following result:

The header and footer can be used to display helpful information, or even contain interative controls such as "shortcuts" for most frequently used items. EO.Wpf ComboBox provides a default HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate when multi-selection is enabled (when ShowCheckBoxes is set to true). However it does not provide any default template in single selection mode.