Table of Contents
  • Getting Started
  • EO.Pdf
  • EO.Web
  • EO.WebBrowser
  • EO.Wpf
  • Common Topics
  • Reference
    • .NET API Reference
      • EO.Base
      • EO.Base.UI
      • EO.Extensions
      • EO.Pdf
      • EO.Pdf.Acm
      • EO.Pdf.Contents
      • EO.Pdf.Drawing
      • EO.Pdf.Mvc
      • EO.Web
      • EO.WebBrowser
      • EO.WebBrowser.DOM
      • EO.WebEngine
      • EO.WinForm
      • EO.Wpf
      • EO.Wpf.Gauge
      • EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
      • EO.Wpf.Primitives
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
      • EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
    • JavaScript API Reference
EO.WebBrowser Namespace
Class Description
AfterPrintEventArgs Provides additional information for the AfterPrint event.
BeforeContextMenuEventArgs Provide event data for BeforeContextMenu event.
BeforeDownloadEventArgs Provides event data for the BeforeDownload event.
BeforeNavigateEventArgs Provides additional event data for WebView.BeforeNavigate event.
BeforePrintEventArgs Provides additional information for the BeforePrint event.
BeforeRequestLoadEventArgs Provide event data for the BeforeRequestLoad event.
BrowserObject Represents an object exposed by the browser engine.
CertificateErrorEventArgs Provides additional data for CertificateError event.
CommandEventArgs Provide event data for Command event.
CommandIds Class that defines special command Ids and utility functions for registering user command ids.
ConsoleMessageEventArgs Provide additional data for the ConsoleMessage event.
ContextMenu Represents a context menu.
ContextMenuInfo Provides information about a context menu.
DOMNodeEventArgs Contains event information related to a DOM node.
DOMNodeInfo Contains information about a DOM node.
DownloadEventArgs Provides event data for a download related event.
DownloadItem Provides information about a download item.
DownloadResult Contains information about a download.
FileDialogEventArgs Provides event data for the FileDialog event.
FindSession Represents a find session in a WebView.
Frame Represents a frame in a WebView.
FrameEventArgs Provides event information for events related to a Frame.
FullscreenModeChangedArgs Provides additional information for the FullScreenModeChanged event.
GiveFocusEventArgs Provides additional data to the GiveFocus event.
JSDialogEventArgs Provides additional data for the JSDialog event.
JSException Represents a JavaScript exception.
JSExtInvokeArgs Provides additional data for the JSExtInvoke event.
JSFunction Represents a JavaScript function.
JSInvokeException Exception raised when a JavaScript call failed.
JSNull Represents the null JavaScript value.
JSObject Represents a JavaScript object.
JSRealObject Represents a JavaScript value that is neither "undefined" nor "null".
JSUndefined Represents the "undefined" JavaScript value.
LaunchUrlEventArgs Provides additional information for the LaunchUrl event.
LoadCompletedEventArgs Provides additional data related to events related to an LoadCompleted event.
LoadFailedEventArgs Provides additional data related to events related to an LoadFailed event.
MenuItem Represents a context menu item.
MenuItemCollection Represents a collection of MenuItems.
NavigationTask An object that can be used to wait for a navigation task to complete.
NeedClientCertificateEventArgs Provides additional information for the NeedClientCertificate event.
NeedCredentialsEventArgs Provides additional information for NeedCredentials event.
NewWindowEventArgs Provides additional data for the NewWindow event.
PostDataCollection Represents a collection of PostDataItem objects.
PostDataItem Represents a post data item.
PreloadTask A task for Preload method.
RawBitmapData Contains raw bitmap data.
RenderUnresponsiveEventArgs Provides additional information for the RenderUnresponsive event.
Request Represents a HTTP request.
RequestCanceledException The exception thrown when a request has been canceled.
RequestEventArgs Provides event data for events related to a Request.
RequestPermissionEventArgs Provides additional information for RequestPermissions event.
ResourceHandler Represents the base class for a custom resource handler.
ResourceHandlerContext Contains per request context information for a resource handler.
Response Represents a HTTP response.
ResponseEventArgs Provides event data for events related to a Request.
Runtime Provides methods and properties related to global EO.WebBrowser settings.
ScriptTask Contains JavaScript code that can be executed by QueueScriptTask.
ScriptTaskDoneEventArgs Provides additional information for ScriptTaskDone event.
Shortcut Defines a shortcut key combination.
ShouldForceDownloadEventArgs Provides event data for ShouldForceDownload event.
SSLStatus Contains SSL status information.
ThreadRunner Provides an utility class run a WebView inside a separate thread.
WebView Represents a class that can be used to render or load a web page.
WebViewClosedEventArgs Provides additional information for the Closed event.
WebViewClosingEventArgs Provides additional information for the Closing event.
WebViewTask Provides the base class for a WebView related task that can complete asynchronously.


Interface Description
IInputMsgFilter Defines an input message filter interface for the WebView.
INavigationResult Contains information about navigation result.
Delegate Description
AfterPrintHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterPrint event.
BeforeContextMenuHandler Represents the method that handles BeforeContextMenu event.
BeforeDownloadHandler Represents the method that will handle BeforeDownload event.
BeforeNavigateHandler Represents the method that will handle WebView.BeforeNavigate event.
BeforePrintHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforePrint event.
BeforeRequestLoadHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforeRequestLoad event.
CertificateErrorHandler Represents the method that will handle the CertificateError event.
CommandHandler Represents the method that handles Command event.
ConsoleMessageHandler Represents the method that will handle the ConsoleMessage event.
DOMNodeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle event related to a DOM node.
DownloadEventHandler Represents the method that will handle DownloadUpdated event.
FileDialogHandler Represents the method that will handle the FileDialog event.
FrameEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events related to a Frame.
FullScreenModeChangedHandler Represents the method that will handle the FullScreenModeChanged event.
GetClientCertificateHandler Represents the method that will handle the GetClientCertificateHandler event.
GiveFocusHandler Represents the method that will handle the GiveFocus event.
JSDialogEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the JSDialog event.
JSExtInvokeHandler Represents the method that will handle the JSExtInvoke event.
LaunchUrlHandler Represents the method that will handle the LaunchUrl event.
LoadCompletedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle WebView.LoadCompleted event.
LoadFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle WebView.LoadCompleted event.
NeedCredentialsHandler Represents the method that will handle the NeedCredentials event.
NewWindowHandler Represents the method that will handle the NewWindow event.
RenderUnresponsiveEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Closed event.
RequestEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Request related events.
RequestPermissionEventHandler Occurs when a page requests certain permissions.
ResponseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Response related events.
ScriptTaskDoneHandler Represents the method that will handle the ScriptTaskDone event.
ShouldForceDownloadHandler Represents the method that will handle ShouldForceDownload event.
WebViewCallback Represents the callback method to be used by a ThreadRunner.
WebViewClosedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Closed event.
WebViewClosingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Closing event.
Enumeration Description
ConsoleMessageSeverity Specifies the severity level of a console message.
ConsoleMessageType Specifies the type of the console message.
ContextMenuMediaType Specifies the type of the media that triggers the context menu.
ContextMenuSourceFlags Specifies the source that triggers the context menu.
DOMNodeType Specifies the type of a DOM node.
DownloadState Sepcifies the state of a download.
EditState Gets the edit state of the context menu source element.
ErrorCode An enumeration of error codes.
EventFlags Defines flags about event.
FileDialogMode Indicate the mode of the file dialog.
InputMsgTarget Specifies the target to which an input message should be dispatched.
JSDialogType Specifies the type of the JavaScript dialog.
JSInvokeResult Gets the result code of a JavaScript call.
KeyboardEventType Specifies keyboard event type.
KeyCode Specifies key codes and modifiers.
MediaState Specifies the state of the media.
MouseEventType Specifies mouse event type.
NavigationType Specifies the type of the navigation action.
Permissions Represents the permissions may be requested through RequestPermissions.
PostDataItemType Specifies the type of a PostDataItem.
PrintResult Printing result code.
ResourceType Specifies the resource type.
WebViewCloseReason Specifies the reason why a WebView is closed.