Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
- .NET API Reference
- EO.Base
- EO.Base.UI
- EO.Extensions
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Pdf.Acm
- EO.Pdf.Contents
- EO.Pdf.Drawing
- EO.Pdf.Mvc
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.WebBrowser
- Classes
- AfterPrintEventArgs Class
- BeforeContextMenuEventArgs Class
- BeforeDownloadEventArgs Class
- BeforeNavigateEventArgs Class
- BeforePrintEventArgs Class
- BeforeRequestLoadEventArgs Class
- BrowserObject Class
- CertificateErrorEventArgs Class
- CommandEventArgs Class
- CommandIds Class
- ConsoleMessageEventArgs Class
- ContextMenu Class
- ContextMenuInfo Class
- DOMNodeEventArgs Class
- DOMNodeInfo Class
- DownloadEventArgs Class
- DownloadItem Class
- DownloadResult Class
- FileDialogEventArgs Class
- FindSession Class
- Frame Class
- FrameEventArgs Class
- FullscreenModeChangedArgs Class
- GiveFocusEventArgs Class
- JSDialogEventArgs Class
- JSException Class
- JSExtInvokeArgs Class
- JSFunction Class
- JSInvokeException Class
- JSNull Class
- JSObject Class
- JSRealObject Class
- JSUndefined Class
- LaunchUrlEventArgs Class
- LoadCompletedEventArgs Class
- LoadFailedEventArgs Class
- MenuItem Class
- MenuItemCollection Class
- NavigationTask Class
- NeedClientCertificateEventArgs Class
- NeedCredentialsEventArgs Class
- NewWindowEventArgs Class
- PostDataCollection Class
- PostDataItem Class
- PreloadTask Class
- RawBitmapData Class
- RenderUnresponsiveEventArgs Class
- Request Class
- RequestCanceledException Class
- RequestEventArgs Class
- RequestPermissionEventArgs Class
- ResourceHandler Class
- ResourceHandlerContext Class
- Response Class
- ResponseEventArgs Class
- Runtime Class
- ScriptTask Class
- ScriptTaskDoneEventArgs Class
- Shortcut Class
- ShouldForceDownloadEventArgs Class
- SSLStatus Class
- ThreadRunner Class
- WebView Class
- WebView Class
- WebView Members
- WebView Constructor
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Events
- Activate Event
- AfterPrint Event
- AfterReceiveHeaders Event
- BeforeContextMenu Event
- BeforeDownload Event
- BeforeNavigate Event
- BeforePrint Event
- BeforeRequestLoad Event
- BeforeSendHeaders Event
- CanGoBackChanged Event
- CanGoForwardChanged Event
- CertificateError Event
- Closed Event
- Closing Event
- Command Event
- ConsoleMessage Event
- ContextMenuDismissed Event
- DownloadCanceled Event
- DownloadCompleted Event
- DownloadUpdated Event
- FaviconChanged Event
- FileDialog Event
- FocusedNodeChanged Event
- FullScreenModeChanged Event
- GiveFocus Event
- GotFocus Event
- IsLoadingChanged Event
- IsReadyChanged Event
- JSDialog Event
- JSExtInvoke Event
- KeyDown Event
- KeyUp Event
- LaunchUrl Event
- LoadCompleted Event
- LoadFailed Event
- MouseClick Event
- MouseDoubleClick Event
- MouseDown Event
- MouseEnter Event
- MouseLeave Event
- MouseMove Event
- MouseUp Event
- NeedClientCertificate Event
- NeedCredentials Event
- NewWindow Event
- RenderUnresponsive Event
- RequestPermissions Event
- ScriptTaskDone Event
- ShouldForceDownload Event
- StatusMessageChanged Event
- TitleChanged Event
- UrlChanged Event
- ZoomFactorChanged Event
- WebViewClosedEventArgs Class
- WebViewClosingEventArgs Class
- WebViewTask Class
- Interfaces
- Enumerations
- Delegates
- EO.WebBrowser.DOM
- EO.WebEngine
- EO.WinForm
- EO.Wpf
- EO.Wpf.Gauge
- EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
- EO.Wpf.Primitives
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
- JavaScript API Reference
- .NET API Reference
WebView.LoadCompleted Event |
Occurs when a page has loaded successfully.

The event handler receives an argument of type LoadCompletedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following LoadCompletedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.
Name | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Gets the HTTP status code. |
Task | Gets the NavigationTask object associated to this event. |
Url | Gets the Url of the loaded page. |

Note that the page is considered being loaded sucessfully even if the server returns an HTTP status other than 200. For example, if the page you are trying to load requires log in but you choose cancel, then the Web server may returns "HTTP 401: Unauthorized" along with an error message indicating that you are not authorized to access the page. In that case the HTTP request is considered to be completed sucessfully (as oppose to other errors such as "server not found", "request canceled", in which cases the LoadFailed event will be fired). To determine whether the page has been loaded "normally", you can check whether the HttpStatusCode property of the event argument is 200.